Monday, October 03, 2016

Terry Fox Rescheduled, WOW Winners, and Family Life!

Image result for rainy weatherDue to the inclement weather that we experienced last week, we will be participating in our Terry Fox walk today.  As of Thursday, we have collected $35 as a class.  Our school will also be participating in Walking Wednesdays beginning this week, at the morning and afternoon recess.  Come on out to the track to participate as we try to match (or beat) the distance that Terry completed during his Marathon of Hope.

Image result for WOWCongratulations to the first WOW winners of the year!  The theme for our classroom was Motivated to Succeed.  Mme Fontana also awarded one of our students for a successful September.

On Thursday we had a guest instructor teach grade seven math!  Every so often it is good for students to learn from their peers - and sometimes they learn more or better.  Congratulations on some outstanding problem solving!

Image result for fully alive grade 6 and 7
Grade 6
Image result for fully alive grade 6 and 7
Grade 7
  Since we completed our first Religion unit last week (check your child's Google Classroom for the results of the summative task), we began our first units in our Family Life program which is part of the Religion program.  Please check the "Parents of Children Attending Catholic Schools" page of our website for a parent letter for each grade (they are attached to the bottom of the page).

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