Monday, October 31, 2016

Good News and More Good News

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who were last week's winners of the Good News ticket draw:  Massimo, Kaci, Kevin, Maya, and Ethan D.  Keep up the good work!

Congratulations to these students who were the WOW winners for the month of October.  For our class, the theme was "Using Feedback to Achieve Success".  Madame Fontana also awarded one students a French award.

Image result for read-a-thonOur read-a-thon was a huge success on Friday.  Our class raised $640.00 and 84% of the students/families returned pledges.  Although we did not qualify for the pot luck, we did earn all of the other incentives that we planned.  Watch for notification about dates and times!
Image result for happy hallowe'en animated

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