Friday, October 14, 2016

Read-a-thon Incentives and Possible Strike!

Image result for read-a-thonIn addition to the incentives that the school has offered, our class has come up with the following incentives that they would like to work for.

If as a class we collect....            ...we would earn
$260                                            one no homework day.
$300                                            the ability to wear Hallowe'en costumes to school
$340                                            a movie with snacks wearing PJs
$380                                            fun in Curry Park in the snow
$420                                            1/2 a day of Winter Olympic fun outside
$420+ and 100% participation    a pot luck lunch celebration

*Please note that all incentives are cumulative, which means that if we raised $380, for example, we would earn fun in Curry Park plus everything above that on the list.  Money must be brought to school on or before October 27.  Thank you for your support!

Image result for strike signYesterday all students were provided with a white note that explains possible job action (ie. strike) that could happen as early as next week that involves the support staff in our schools.  THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE TEACHING STAFF.  Unless otherwise specified, school will continue normally.  Please read the note for all of the details.

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