Thursday, October 27, 2016

Which Apps are Recommended for Children?

Image result for personal electronic deviceIf your child has their own phone, or any other personal electronic device that allows for apps to be installed, please read this informative article and stay current with recommended apps and what your child is using technology for.  Click here to view the slideshow.

Here is our latest set of vocabulary words.  Unfortunately some students said that they didn't know it was their turn and weren't prepared.  It was discussed in class that we were starting from the top of the class list again, and the names are clearly posted on our class calendar.  Please check it out!

Rainy day indoor recess fun!

Image result for hallowe'enWe did it!  Due to the amount of money our class has collected so far, we have earned the privilege of wearing our Hallowe'en costumes to school on Monday.  There are some parameters that we must follow, however.  Please do not wear/bring items that suggest blood, gore, and/or violence; no masks; no weapons; and no clowns please!  If you would like to bring treats to share with the class, please ensure that they are peanut/nut free.  We have 26 students in our class.  Thank you in advance!

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