Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Math Tests Returned

Image result for mathThere were three students who were absent on Friday so they did not write the math test with the rest of the class.  As a result, the tests will be returned when all have completed them and they are graded.  Our class has, and will continue to, write LSA (Leading Student Achievement) math tests that have been written by the Math Consultant for our school board.  These may differ in style, content, and grading scale from previous years.  The purpose of these is to help prepare your child for high school and to keep the marking scale in line with that of EQAO.  I will attempt to explain the way they are being graded to you here for your convenience.  
Image result for math testFirst of all, there are a combination of multiple choice, short answer, and open response questions included in each test.  The tests are weighted so that the Open Response questions are each work a maximum of 4 points, short answer questions range from 2 to 3 points each, and multiple choice questions are worth 1 or 2 points each.  This all hinges on the level of difficulty and the required amount of written work.  In addition, there will be an additional mark FOR MATH COMMUNICATION added (as indicated by the rubric at the bottom of page one only) - ranging from 0 to 4 marks depending on how much thinking is visible and clear. Students who still continue to refuse to show their thinking will lose marks in this area. 
Our first test is scored out of 39 for both grade levels.  You will find that stated at the top of the first page.  There will also be the corresponding level and percentage. Please note that in order to calculate the overall mark, we are no longer be dividing the numerator by the denominator and multiplying by 100 to achieve the percentage.  Percentage is calculated based on the range of scores for each level.  Based on the marking scale below, you only need 13 points for grade 6 and 14 points for grade seven students to pass the test.
Marking Scale:
Grade 6                    Grade 7
points      level        points      level
0-12          R           0-13          R
13-20        1           14-21        1
21-29        2           22-29        2
30-34        3           30-34        3
35-39        4           35-39        4

Please sign and return your child's test ASAP.  Thank you.


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