Friday, September 30, 2016

Coming to a Classroom Near You!

Image result for good news Back by popular demand!  The Good News tickets and weekly draw will be returning to our classroom effective Monday October 3, 2016.  Apparently many students were disappointed that this practice was discontinued and one student even got a petition going.  THE MAJORITY HAS SPOKEN!  See how many tickets you can earn in a week!  Ask your child how these tickets are earned.

Image result for milk bagsIn addition, beginning on Monday we will return to the practice of collecting empty milk bags.   See how many you can collect!  This is a good way to practise the virtue of Charity.  Good News tickets get earned for this too!

Yesterday we welcomed Fr. Chris (the new priest at Corpus Christi Church) into our classroom for the first time.  He came prepared with handouts for all of us and conducted a very interesting lesson on a wide range of related ideas such as Guardian Angels, spirituality, emotion, desires, and "The Big Pill".  He reminded us that when we hate someone we are also hating God.  When we sin, we are acting on our desires in the wrong way.  Sin also makes us unreasonable and takes away our wisdom.  We love his down-to-earth nature, and ability to infuse humour into his message. 
Image result for lifesaver candy
On Thursday Aidan M.  was kind enough to bring in a huge supply of Lifesaver candy to share with the whole class AND some to help stock the prize bin in anticipation of next week's draw. We enjoyed the treat and listened to music while doing art in the afternoon.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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