Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Voice and Point of View

Image result for math curseImage result for the relatives came  In our latest unit in literacy, we are working on the writing trait known as Voice and the reading strategy known as Point of View.  Both of these are closely linked so I felt it wise to work on them together.  Here are the first two mentor texts that we have used to work on both of these curriculum outcomes.  Ask your child about them!   Check out the new anchor charts on the website too!   

Image result for ash wednesdayDid you know that tomorrow is Ash Wednesday?  Our class and Mr. Cowan's class will be hosting the mass at the church at 9:45 AM.  Some students have volunteered for reading parts, carrying the gifts up to the altar at offertory, singing in the choir, or begin an altar server.  Join is if you can!   
   Image result for lenten promisesWe have been discussing the ways that Catholics observe Lent (which begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with Good Friday).  Each student has been challenged to make a Lenten promise, and we will be doing so as a class as well.  We also discussed the fact that Catholics are asked to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday during Lent.  We brainstormed some alternative menu options.  See if lunches can be vegetarian/vegan for these days!  Please discuss this with your child and support them in any way that you can!                          

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