Thursday, February 09, 2017

Technology Upgrades!

Before Christmas, we were in dire straights regarding the technology that we use in our classroom daily.  Good News!  It has all been revamped and we have some new additions too.  I purchased a new laptop, which has definitely sped up the work that we do with it.  I also purchased an external DVD drive (which we have already used) since newer laptops do not seem to come equipped with internal DVD drives any longer.  The school supplied us with new speakers that sound fantastic and just this week I received a brand new projector supplied by the Parent Council.  Thank you so much!

Image result for iPadIn January, I submitted a proposal to the school board requesting iPads to support our math program.  Good News!  I was awarded ten of them.  I attended a workshop training me how they could be used in math with students in grade 6 and 7 yesterday and we will begin using them as often as possible, when their applications support our curriculum.

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