Monday, May 07, 2012

What a Rainy Day!

Due to the wet weather, we will try to do track and field events outside tomorrow..... thanks for your patience!

Today in Social Studies we began taking a look at the first group of Europeans that were credited with travelling to North America - The Vikings.  Ask your child about:  Bjarni, Leif the Lucky, and Gudrid the wise.

Math was a little stressful today (see the blog post from Saturday).  We reviewed all of the questions from Friday and new ones were assigned.  Hopefully the results will be better!  The math test has been changed to Monday May 14 as a result.

We also began working on our Literature Circle novels today - you could have heard a pin drop!  Ask your child how their novel and the work that accompanies it is going (see Friday's blog post)!

Due to many atypical events this week, our schedule will be rearranged substantially.  Your child is great about being flexible!

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