Saturday, May 26, 2012


Here are some reminders for events for the coming week:
  • health homework is due Monday (see May 24 blog post)
  • EQAO Math part 2 is scheduled for Monday morning
  • Wednesday is the last day of EQAO and our class pizza party (our reward for selling so many lottery tickets) - see the note that was sent home on Friday.  I will also provide dessert for our class!
  • many students are not returning evaluations signed in a timely fashion.  Currently students need to return:  Unit 9 Math test, Unit 10 Show What you Know, drama rubric, Literacy Evaluation from May 10
  • Social Studies will come home on Monday for parent's signature
  • rehearsal of our new play on Friday will be WITHOUT SCRIPTS:  lines were supposed to be memorized for May 25, but many did not 

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