Thursday, May 10, 2012

Notes Going Home

If you are reading this, you realize that we are converting to a paperless society.  There are times, however, when we at school send home notes, announcements, and/or forms in paper form based on the purpose of the communication.  All year I have been reminding our class that it is their job to be the courier service and not to throw out the notices - parents may choose to do that after reading them.  Unfortunately, today I found invitations to the track dedication in the garbage.  Obviously, those families will not receive them.  As a result, I have included a photo of one here, for your perusal.  All are welcomed to attend. Please remind your child that it is their job to bring notices home to their parent(s) in a timely fashion, as this has been an issue all year.  Thank you for your support in this manner.

We hope to see you at our Education Week mass tomorrow morning at 9:30am.

Have you checked out our Class Calendar?  Check the sidebar on the home page - all the latest events and evaluations can be found there.

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