Friday, May 11, 2012

What a Crazy Day!

Sign of the Beaver Group
Time sure flew today due to the many extra activities that were held.  We had our Education Week/Marian mass at Corpus Christi Church this morning.  At 12:30pm we had a very energizing assembly announcing the results of the Lottery Ticket sales.  Our school smashed the goal of selling $15,000 worth of tickets, therefore earning all of the incentives they were promised.  Congratulations goes out to the following students from our class who were recognized (and won prizes) for their high ticket sales:  Allison, Lily, Jakob, Andrew H.  Way to go!  It was also announced that our class placed second for the highest class ticket sales.  We will enjoy our pizza lunch on May 30 - also celebrating the end of EQAO testing at the same time.  Following the assembly the whole school enjoyed their first reward:  Teacher Exchange.  Mr. Capussi took over our class for part of the afternoon. 
Frindle Group
We did manage to squeeze in some curriculum today.  Our first Literature Circle meetings were held (see the photos).  Some groups did a great job, but unfortunately not all students were ready to present their work.  All duo tangs have been collected and will be evaluated based on this week's work, then the process will repeat itself next week.  Hopefully all students will be prepared this time.  Literacy evaluations that were completed yesterday were returned today.  Students are to return them signed on Monday.  A whopping 78% of our class scored a Level 3 or higher on the open response questions (the questions with five lines to write their answer).  That is great news!  The Ministry of Education hopes that 75% of the students achieve this level.  All of our hard work is paying off!  Hopefully these results will transfer to EQAO! 

The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Group
We also did have math today, although a very short period due to the mass.  The students did some review questions which I have collected to evaluate.  I recommend that they also practise #2,8,10 from the Show What You Know page in the text.  They were also asked to make all corrections and review all of the formulas this weekend.  I had a math meeting today at the last recess with some students that misunderstood calculating surface area of a triangular prism.  Some students automatically assumed that all rectangular faces are always congruent, therefore making many errors.  I hope we cleared that up.  When the base is an equilateral triangle, all rectangles are congruent.  If the base is an isosceles triangle, then two are congruent.  If the base is scalene, then no rectangles are congruent.  In those cases the procedure changed slightly.  Good luck on the test on Monday!

Finally, we practised our plays for the last time.  Many students had costumes, props, sound, lighting, etc.  May 18 will be the day that they are evaluated.
Holes Group

Have a great weekend and don't forget the sunscreen!

By the way... did you know that this blog and the Joke of the Day page are updated on the weekend also????

Stay informed!

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