Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Looking Ahead to EQAO

Our class received some great news today.  I told them that they will be able to use a calculator for every aspect of the math portions of the EQAO evaluation.

This brings up an important topic.  Each student is responsible for having all of the regular math tools that we have needed and used all year:  calculator, math set that includes a compass and protractor, ruler, and an eraser.  The school will provide all manipulatives and paper necessary.  Please check to make sure that all of these materials are at school for the first day of EQAO - May 23.

Finally, the students received the latest marked math test today.  Please have them return it tomorrow, signed by a parent.  Many students still have not returned the literacy evaluation that was returned last Friday.  Please check with them and return these items ASAP.  Thanks in advance!

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