Sunday, May 20, 2012

Math Review Recommended

All of the students were given their six math duo tangs (one for each strand and their problem solving duo tang) and their textbook to take home this weekend even if they did not have math homework.  I recommend that they review, especially the material new to grade six, or anything they find tricky.  On the first day of EQAO, we will do the first half of the math evaluation, so it is wise to review the many definitions, diagrams, formulae, and procedures.  This week, for example, many students admitted to forgetting about Prime Numbers; Mean, Median,and Mode; constructing triangles and parallelograms; etc.  They know that the anchor charts are gone and than I CANNOT HELP OR GUIDE THEM IN ANY WAY during the evaluation.  The only thing I can do for them during the math portion is read a question to them.  Best of luck and knowledge when studying!

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