Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What Does Smoking Do To You?

Our class is very interested in the health discussions that we have had as of late.  We have been discussing the topic of smoking.  While our book has great facts, testimonials, and information, it lacks photographs and illustrations.  To supplement that, please check out the visuals below.  Remember:  If you don't start you never have to stop!
Which lung would you rather have in your body?
These chemicals (and others) are added
to your body each time you smoke.
Do you want to age prematurely?
Do you really want to run the risk of getting
one or more of these types of cancer?
Make sure you make the right choice!

There are many more visuals available that are too graphic to show you here, but you can be sure that smoking is NEVER a good thing - don't ever let anyone else convince you otherwise.

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