Monday, May 28, 2012

What We Did Today

Today our whole class crammed into the office and had the honour of singing our National Anthem on the P.A. during morning announcements.  This is a huge compliment.  Our class is great about singing daily and being proud of our country, so we were rewarded for our efforts. 
We continued with EQAO today, of course.  We finished math, so we just have literacy to complete.  It is very hot in our room, and most students are remembering a cool water bottle.  It really helps!
Most students have completed the health homework that was due today, as assigned on May 24.  For those who did not, I will be checking it tomorrow.
Today, for gym class, we stayed inside out of the hot sun.  Our class admitted to not having sunscreen on, and the gym was cooler anyway!  Ask your child about the frizbee game we played.  It is not as easy as it sounds!

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