Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gearing Up for EQAO!

Today we prepared our room, our supplies, and our minds for the enivitable evaluation that begins tomorrow.  Please find a list below that will help maximize any students' potential on any given day, but is particularly important for the next six school days:
  • be present daily
  • be punctual (we write each morning)
  • get 10-12 hours of sleep nightly
  • eat a balanced breakfast
  • bring a nutritious lunch and snacks
  • bring a water bottle to keep on your desk
  • have all of your math tools at school (see a previous blog post)
  • have a positive attitude - our class has done everything we could possibly do to prepare for EQAO.  If you have done well in class, this evaluation should be no different
  • wear cool comfortable clothing since we do not have air conditioning
  • take your time during the evaluation, check everything over, and don't take short cuts - it will be worth it in the end

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