Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our Thoughts About the EQAO Experience

Now that EQAO is finished, I would like to report on the reaction that our class had to the evaluation and the experience.  Daily, after all students completed, we debriefed, and I recorded their comments.  Here they are, in no particular order:
"It was easier than I thought it would be!"
"It was just like our math tests, just longer!"
"It looked like our tests!"
"For a provincial test, it was not as bad as I thought."
"I think our school's math scores will be higher than they have been in the last few years!"
"Our tests are harder than EQAO."
"It was easy now that we know what to do for open response questions."
"It was fun."
"I liked the writing part - it was easy and fun!"
"The open response questions were really easy."
"EQAO is too easy."
"It was easy and there were not a lot of questions."
"I wish there were more questions."
"Easy peezy, lemon squeezy."
"The topic for the report writing was challenging."
"I thought it would be a lot harder based on the previous years."
"Literacy was fun!"
"I found it easier than grade three."
"CASI is harder than EQAO."
"We're lucky that we are learning about explorers right now, since we had to write about them."
"Yeah!  We're done!"
"It was far easier than I thought."
"I wish there was more math!"

As the teacher, I must say that our class worked very well, they respected their classmates well, especially those who finished early, and it appears that everyone tried their very best.  That is all that we can ever ask for!  The next EQAO experiences are scheduled for grade nine (math) and grade ten (literacy), so you can have a breather for a while! 

Of course the results will not be known until the fall.  I hope that their reactions are directly related to their scores.  At least the optimism is encouraging!

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