Friday, November 25, 2016

Grade 7 Presentation and Evaluations on the Horizon

apprenticeship:  firefighter
future firefighter?
future firefighter?
college program:  nursing
university program:  accountant
future lawyer, criminal,
 and security guard?
Yesterday the Co-operative Education department from Holy Names High School presented valuable information to all of the grade 7 students.  They explained apprenticeship programs, college, university, and workplace as pathways for post secondary plans.  One student involved in each of these made a presentation and involved the students in an interactive display.  All students were given a pamphlet to take home for parents.  Some won prizes!
future accountants?

future nurse?

workplace with future
 destination of a lawyer

 Here is the pamphlet they took home.

Next week will be busy from a summative evaluation (unit test) perspective.  On Tuesday both grades will have a religion and grammar evaluation and the grade sevens will have a history one as well.  These will be sent home for a parent signature shortly after that, so please send them back as soon as possible.  I am still waiting for signed items from early October in some cases.  In addition, there will be a math evaluation on data management soon.  Stay tuned!Image result for parent signatures

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