Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Blog Math

Image result for robotsCongratulations to all of those students who submitted their "Blog Math" on time and correctly this week.  The correct answer was that in 1000 parts it is expected that 35 would be defective, at the rate given.  Please make sure that you reflect on and analyze the feedback that I wrote on your work so that you can improve in the future.  For example, any number that is used in your solution must be in the original question OR you must show all the steps you took to find new numbers to work with.

Here is the next question that is due on Tuesday November 8, 2016 at 8:10 AM.

Image result for radio stationA radio station received 3815 phone calls in 35 minutes.  At this rate, how many would it expect to receive in one hour?  Justify your thinking.

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