Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Author Visits

On Thursday, we had the privilege of listening to two different authors.  Both of these ladies are published, their books are available on line and at local stores, and one is even an award winner.

Pictured here is Vanessa Shields.  She is a Windsor native, and still lives local.  She writes poetry and prose and has several books published.  During our visit she led a "writing on demand" activity.  She asked three students to select a word each, other students volunteered related words, then she created a poem for us on the spot.
Vanessa Shield's books

Next, we eagerly listened to ghost stories told by Charis Cotter.  She is an author who has roots in Windsor, but now lives in Newfoundland.  She is an avid collector of ghost stories, and has published books related to this topic.  A recent book, suitable for our age group called Swallows, has won two awards.  Check out the photos.

If you would like to contact her, here is her information:  chariscotter@gmail.com

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