Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blog Math

Image result for playstation game consoleCongratulations to all of the students who completed last week's blog math question on time and correctly.  Unfortunately two students did not complete it.  The correct answer was that 100 game consoles could be produced in one 40-hour week by one worker at that rate.

Image result for clockHere is the next question.  It is due on Tuesday November 22 at 8:10 AM.

It takes about twenty minutes to grade a student's paper.  How long, in hours and minutes, does it take to grade papers for a class of 26 people?

Image result for inoculationsCongratulations to all of the grade seven students who bravely handled getting their inoculations yesterday.  A little bit of discomfort is much better than catching terrible diseases!  The next round will be in the new year!

Image result for parent signatureThe latest math test was returned to the class yesterday because students completed them on Tuesday.  Please return them ASAP with a parent signature.  Also, many students have not yet returned the SWYK/End Unit review signed and that was returned to the class last Thursday.  Please be prompt!

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