Sunday, November 27, 2016

Breaking News!

Image result for downtown missionAs reported in the Windsor Star on Friday November 25, 2016, the Downtown Mission is in dire need of donations of clothing and food items.  Please read the article here.

Since all of the grade seven and eight students from our school will be going there tomorrow morning for a field trip, we are asking as many students as possible bring to school one non-perishable food item.  When we go tomorrow, we will bring all items that have been donated by our students.  When you read this, please contact a friend or neighbour so that we can spread the news as quickly as possible, to all intermediate students at our school,  so that we may have a fantastic donation to help boost their program.  WE CAN DO IT GUARDIANS!

*Grade six students may absolutely donate as well if you desire!  Charity knows no age limit!

Image result for downtown missionLet's try to get their shelves to look like this again!

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