Wednesday, November 30, 2016

WOW Winners and Blog Math

Image result for wowCongratulations to the students who were awarded the WOW award for the month of November:  Kevin, Carlo, Josh, and Steven.  The theme was Proportional Reasoning Specialists.

Congratulations to all those students who did complete the blog math question on time and with accuracy.  This week to earn two good news tickets, students had to convert the 200 minutes to 3h20min and show all of their work.

Image result for summer jobHere is the next question that is due on Tuesday December 6:
An employee working at an electronics store earned $3582 for working three months during the summer.  What did the employee earn for the first two months?  Justify your thinking.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Fake News and Advent Social Justice Drive

Image result for fakeOur school board has issued an alert about "fake news" that has been circulating on the internet.  In order to keep yourself informed, please view this article.  Click here to view it.

Please begin sending in these items at any time.  If you prefer to send in a loonie or toonie instead, I will take all funds collected and purchase items on behalf of our class and contribute them.  Thank you very much in advance for your continued generosity.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Good News

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who won last week's Good News ticket draw:  Emma, Quest, and Ethan D.  Keep up the good work!

Here are the latest collection of words.  We have started back at the top of the list with Brad today.  Keep them coming!

Image result for google sheets iconDid you know that we are working on Data Management in math, and on Friday I showed our class how to graph using Google Sheets, which is part of everyone's Google Drive. This app makes graphing very easy and professional looking!  We will use this app to complete our latest health and gym assignment.  We will also be using it in math.  Ask your child about it!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Breaking News!

Image result for downtown missionAs reported in the Windsor Star on Friday November 25, 2016, the Downtown Mission is in dire need of donations of clothing and food items.  Please read the article here.

Since all of the grade seven and eight students from our school will be going there tomorrow morning for a field trip, we are asking as many students as possible bring to school one non-perishable food item.  When we go tomorrow, we will bring all items that have been donated by our students.  When you read this, please contact a friend or neighbour so that we can spread the news as quickly as possible, to all intermediate students at our school,  so that we may have a fantastic donation to help boost their program.  WE CAN DO IT GUARDIANS!

*Grade six students may absolutely donate as well if you desire!  Charity knows no age limit!

Image result for downtown missionLet's try to get their shelves to look like this again!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Grade 7 Presentation and Evaluations on the Horizon

apprenticeship:  firefighter
future firefighter?
future firefighter?
college program:  nursing
university program:  accountant
future lawyer, criminal,
 and security guard?
Yesterday the Co-operative Education department from Holy Names High School presented valuable information to all of the grade 7 students.  They explained apprenticeship programs, college, university, and workplace as pathways for post secondary plans.  One student involved in each of these made a presentation and involved the students in an interactive display.  All students were given a pamphlet to take home for parents.  Some won prizes!
future accountants?

future nurse?

workplace with future
 destination of a lawyer

 Here is the pamphlet they took home.

Next week will be busy from a summative evaluation (unit test) perspective.  On Tuesday both grades will have a religion and grammar evaluation and the grade sevens will have a history one as well.  These will be sent home for a parent signature shortly after that, so please send them back as soon as possible.  I am still waiting for signed items from early October in some cases.  In addition, there will be a math evaluation on data management soon.  Stay tuned!Image result for parent signatures

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Stem and Leaf Plots

Last week when our class completed a data management diagnostic task, it became apparent to me that either students had not had much exposure to stem and leaf plots, or that they had forgotten what they were.  As a result, yesterday we measured each other's height and used that data to collaboratively complete stem and leaf plots.  Check out the photos.

Check out the new anchor charts that were created based on this lesson and central tendency that we did today.

Do your children ever complain that they are bored?  If they don't, then why aren't they?  If they do, it turns out that it is a good thing!  Click here to read more!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Grade 7 Fundraiser and Blog Math

Image result for concession standATTENTION ALL GRADE SEVEN STUDENTS AND PARENTS!  In an effort to begin the fundraising push to accumulate funds for your grade eight Muskoka trip, we have an opportunity for you.  Next week, on Tuesday and Wednesday, there will be a volleyball tournament in our gym.  We would like grade seven students to volunteer to sell concession items (hot dogs, beverages, chips) and parents to cook the hot dogs and supervise.  The time on both days will be from 2:30 - 5 PM and it is not necessary that you commit to both days.  All proceeds will go directly to the Muskoka Woods fund.  If you are interested, please send a note to your child's teacher specifying the date(s) and times that you would like to volunteer, no later than Friday.

Image result for marking testsThe answer to last week's blog question was 8 hours and 40 minutes. (this is not too far from reality, by the way!)  This question showed me that some students are still not sure what to do with remainders.  When there was a remainder of 40, that means that there were 40 minutes that didn't complete another hour.  (520 minutes divided by 60 minutes per hour equals 8 hours with 40 minutes remainder)

Here is the next question which will be due on Wednesday November 30 at 8:10 AM.

Image result for timeIf a trip between work and home takes 20 minutes each way, how much time will be spent in a five day work week traveling back and forth to work?  The employee only goes to work and home once per day.  Justify your thinking.