Tuesday, November 24, 2015

We Are Busy Bees!

Congratulations to Jason who scored the highest achievement when we did our Mad Minute Monday Mania yesterday.  Special mention also goes out to the following students who scored their personal best:  Steven M.,  Ava, and Nate.  Nate also continues to improve his score weekly!  Keep up the great work!

Image result for poetry reading clip artImage result for book talk clipartWe are getting to the end of our November book talks, and each student will receive their rubric on Monday to be taken home and to be signed by a parent.  Next, each student will do a poetry reading during the month of December.  Since it is a short month, each student will read a Christmas poem of their choice, and present it to the class.  In addition, they will make connections, visualize, identify the main idea, etc. but using poetry this time rather than prose.  Poetry is an important genre that we need to work with, but unfortunately our Nelson Literacy resource does not provide us with enough poems to work with.

Image result for coming soon to a classroom near youComing to a classroom near you...... Gym project and math test on November 30.  Stay tuned for updates!

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