Thursday, November 12, 2015

Literacy Centres

grammar and punctuation centre:
practising use of commas, adjectives,
and subordinate clauses
As we prepare for the literacy evaluation that will happen on Friday, we have been working in our literacy workstations so that we can practise our new skills.  Simultaneously, I work with guided reading groups on the same skills.  Check out the photos below.

classroom library:  using a variety of animal
books to practise visualizing and visual

listening centre: practising visualizing
and identifying concise writing 

writing centre:  practising writing paragraphs,
descriptive writing,
and/or working on narratives

guided reading:  visualizing, characteristics
of descriptive text, subordinate clauses

Buddy reading:  reading comprehension
by answering open response questions

Some students have been "trained" how to use the software "Audacity".  As you can see here, students are already using it to rehearse their book talk presentations.  As time goes on, our student trainers (Evan, Brendan, Kaci, Quest, and Aidan) will assist me with training the other students as well so that everyone will have access to this learning tool.

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