Friday, November 06, 2015

Geometry on the Horizon!

Image result for geometryOn Monday we will begin our first study of geometry so far this year, which means that things will really be "shaping up" around here!  On Wednesday we recorded in our agenda that each student requires a geometry set that must be at school daily beginning on Monday.  In addition, it has been my experience that students seem to forget the material they have learned in the past, so I have uploaded seven pages of geometry definitions on our Numeracy Anchor Chart Archives page of our website.  The students are expected to read and review them all (this can be their 20 minutes of at home reading until they know them).  The reason for this is that when I begin using geometry vocabulary in class, they will be able to follow along and participate in the discussions.  Feel free to read them directly from the site, or print them out and your child can store them in the new duo tang that they will receive next week.

Below please find three types of protractors.  In my experience, it is easier for students to use the last one because all 180 degrees are marked, the baseline is clear, and every 10 degrees there is a straight line that runs to the centre of the protractor which assists with reading accuracy.  If possible, please send that type with your child.  Thank you in advance!
Image result for protractor
degrees missing -
only every 15 degrees are marked
Image result for protractor
empty centre area -
nothing to assist with measuring
Image result for protractor
has all of the features to assist students

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