Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Latest News

We now have a class mascot!  Thanks to Ava, who coined the phrase "Barnacle Bob" and designed this image (he even has googly eyes), it has become a reality.  In all my years of teaching, this is the very first time one of my classes has had a mascot!  He is proudly displayed on the south wall of our classroom.  Thanks for your hard work Ava!

On Monday the greeting card orders came in and were distributed to anyone who ordered them.  They look gorgeous!  Thanks again for all of your support in this venture.

document camera
Do you know what this is?  We now have a document camera to use in our classroom!  This is a newer technology than an overhead projector.  It allows me to project real time images in colour onto the screen so the students can view and/or model what is happening.  We used it on Monday for constructing figures using Tangrams and reviewing/teaching geometry symbols.

Image result for mad minute multiplicationCongratulations to Nick and Jason who earned the high score for Mad Minute this week.  Special recognition is extended to Nick who also earned his personal best.

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