Monday, November 30, 2015

Good News and Santa's Little Helpers

Image result for good newsCongratulations to last week's Good News ticket draw winners:  Nick and Ava.  Keep up the good work!

Image result for santa's elves I am extending an offer for any grade six student from our school to earn two hours of community service toward their VIP graduation requirement.  The event will be our Christmas Family Night, held on Thursday December 10, from 6-8 PM.  Grade six students will act as scribes for younger students who wish to write a letter to Santa.  We will be putting the letters in envelopes and they will be mailed to the North Pole.  On the day of the event, families will be responsible for transportation of grade six students to and from the event.  Student volunteers are to remain in the classroom during the entire event since they are there as workers and not as guests.  There will be meetings before the event so that all students have clear instructions.  Those students who wish to participate and have a parent's permission, are to bring in a letter giving them permission that is signed by a parent.  These letters are due Friday December 4 and will be collected at our first meeting.  Hope to see you there!

Image result for signature pleaseOn Friday, each student brought home their health project rubric and SWYK from unit 3 (math), for a parent signature.  Today they are also bringing home their book talk rubric.  Please return these items signed at your earliest convenience.  Thank you!

Friday, November 27, 2015

WOW Winners

Image result for sparky's toy driveWE are Collecting....for those in need.
The St. Gabriel Social Justice Club kicked off their Advent "WE are Collecting for those in Need" program Thursday at our WOW assembly.  The campaign will run from November 26 - December 10.  On December 11 items will be picked up from the school on 'Santa's School Bus Toy/Food Drive'.  Several area schools are participating to 'stuff the bus' for those in need.
St. Gabriel has partnered up with the Windsor Fire Department and their Sparky Toy Drive.  WE are looking for a New & unwrapped/unopened toy to be donated for children of need within our local area.  Toys for girls between the ages of 7-11 are in special need.  Too busy to get out and get a problem...they are also accepting a $5 donation.
Image result for toiletry itemsAlso, the second part of our "WE are Collecting" campaign involves our traditional Toiletry Drive.  WE are collecting personal hygiene items to be given out to those in need.  Items include toothbrush, tooth paste, soap, shampoo, body wash, deodorant, toilet paper, etc....

Image result for wowCongratulations to our November WOW winners!  This month students were recognized for their expertise in using the problem solving model to solve open response math questions.  These budding mathematicians are :  Alyssa, Lexie, and Alanna.  Keep up the great work!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Do You Have a SOLID Understanding?

We have been reviewing the attributes of various solids:  prisms and pyramids.  We have also taken a close look at what nets are, how they are constructed, and possible problems.  Check out the photos.
Image result for geometryPlease note:  For the math test next week, grade six students must be able to construct any triangle or quadrilateral using a ruler, compass, and/or protractor with accuracy.  Therefore, we must also know how to draw and measure angles to 180 degrees.  We are not responsible for reflex angles.  We must also be able to draw and recognize the nets for prisms and pyramids.  Finally, we must also be able to construct objects with snap cubes and draw the three dimensional drawings on dot paper.  We have not followed the textbook exactly again, so please use a combination of your child's workbook and green duo tang for studying purposes.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Proportional Reasoning

Image result for ratiosCongratulations to the students who submitted their weekly blog math question on time yesterday.  Unfortunately there were six students that did not submit it on time and needed to complete it at recess.  Last week's question was an interesting one and there were mixed reviews.

Some students decided that both flowers grew the same amount since their height increased by 4 cm each.

Some thought flower #1 grew more while others concluded that the winner was flower #2.

The correct answer is that flower #1 grew more, and here is the reason why.  Since flower #1 started out at 8 cm and increased by 4 cm to reach 12 cm, its height increased by half (half of 8 is 4, 8+4 = 12).  Flower #2 started at 12 cm and increased by 4 cm to 16 cm, but that increase is one-third more (3 x 4=12).  In order to understand this concept, again we need to think about it multiplicatively, not additively.  This is a concept we will continue to work on all year.

Here is this week's question.  It is due on Tuesday December 1, 2015 at 8:10 AM.  Solve this question using the steps of problem solving.