Monday, January 21, 2013

The Latest from Grade 6C

The math test that we had last week was returned today, now that everyone has written it.  Please sign and return it ASAP.  There are quite a few students who still need to return other math work that went home last week to be signed.  Let's wrap this up quickly please!

Today we began the students' latest book talk.  This time around the students are required to read a non-fiction text that is not a biography or an autobiography.  In addition to reporting on reading strategies, text form characteristics with evidence, and other regular features, the students will use their own overhead transparency to report on main ideas and supporting details in their text, while presenting.  Each student has already selected their date.  Everyone chose February dates, so they will all be completed by the end of next month.  I stressed with the students today how important their presentation skills are and the need to improve this skill.  Please remind your child that they are to use Audacity on our computers in the classroom or the Learning PIT to rehearse and polish their presentation.  Multiple opportunities always exist for this to happen.

Today I sent home a blue letter/permission form about the skating day that is planned.  There is no cost to the students because this is another reward that they earned for selling so much cookie dough.  They must return the permission form completed in order to go, however.  As in the past helmets and gloves/mittens are mandatory!  Come and join us if you can!

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