Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Movement Sequences Presented!

Such variety of moves!
Today in gym, each group presented their movement sequence for evaluation.  Overall I am very impressed by the synergy within each group, and the final product.  This is a lead-in to our dance unit which is next!
such concentration
All smiles!
Different moves!
What cooperation!
On a roll!
Such vigour!
Today in literacy we read a text about allergies for shared reading.  While I expected it to take fifteen minutes or so (it was a short text with many visuals), we wound up having a VERY LENGTHY discussion.  The students seemed very interested in the subject and had many questions.  Ask them about it!  I encourage families to have such discussions at home, even at the dinner table, as the students need valuable background information.  Last week the students claimed that they did not know that male chickens were roosters and females were hens.  Similarly, they said that the concept of cow and bull was new for them also.  I also encourage them to read the newspaper for home reading - this will help them keep up with world events which will help to build their schema.  I feel that it is important to answer their questions, even when more class time is used than should be.

Good news!  The health presentation that has been postponed twice is now scheduled for Friday morning.  Keep your fingers crossed!

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