Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Collaborative Group Work in the Gym!

Today our class began working on another group project, a movement sequence.  The students were given a learning goal, and a list of elements that had to be included in their presentation.  Together we generated a list of success criteria, then began working on the assignment.  Some students asked me to post these photos on the blog so that they could think about this at home, but it is not necessary to work on it outside of school.  More time will be provided next week, and all of the group members are together here, not a home.
Students soon realized that many
of these can be combined!
Unfortunately our health presentation that was scheduled for today had to be postponed because the presenter is ill.  We will reschedule next week.  I will let you know when, when I find out!

The "Show What You Know" summative assessment that was completed yesterday went home today to be signed by a parent.  Please return it tomorrow.  Thank you in advance!

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