Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Have You Ever Felt Boxed In?

Today in math, we continued our work on volume, but took it to a much larger scale.  First, the class collaboratively worked on creating tubes 1 metre long, then they attached them all to make a cubic metre. 
Planning stage
Early construction
Does it measure up?
Assembling a face by attaching edges
Final assembly:  from the ground, up!

Sometimes problems had to be solved
Many hands make light work
So much tension!
The final product!
We also discussed when we would use such a large unit for measurement, then we converted it to square centimetres.  Here is what we came up with:
V = l x w x h
   = 1m x 1m x 1m
   = 100cm x 100cm x 100cm
   = 1,000,000cm³

Therefore, 1m³=1,000,000cm³

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