Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Calling All Photographers!

I know that our class is very busy accumulating community service hours for the V.I.P. program.  I am requesting that each student submit to me at least one photograph of them in action.  This can be done in the way that suits you best.  Either take and print out your photo(s) or save the digital print(s) on your USB and bring it to school.  I will upload the images to my laptop and we will go from there.  Photos can start coming in as soon as you have the opportunity to take them.  Thank you very much in advance!

Today we worked in the Learning P.I.T for part of our literacy block.  It is a great space because it is so large, and many different activities can be going on at the same time.  In the photos below you will see that some students are seated at the tables working, others are busy on the computers, while still others are on the couches using the overhead machine.  Can you believe that some students even accessed our web site to consult the Anchor Chart Library page while they were working?  Very rewarding indeed!
For the last two days we have been reviewing fractions and decimals as we gear up to work on the newest unit in math.  The students have some review work to finish tonight if they did not finish in class.  Check out the new anchor charts that have been added to our collection if you need to use them as a reference. 

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