Sunday, January 20, 2013

Announcing A Special Presentation for Parents and Students!

An Evening with Teresa Tomeo

Choices and Challenges Facing Today’s Youth

A presentation for parents and children age 10 and up

Monday February 4, 2013

Holy Names High School Auditorium


1400 Northwood St.

Windsor, ON

6:30 P.M.

Teresa Tomeo is a highly respected talk show host, motivational speaker, author and media consultant whose dynamic, engaging and inspirational presentation will  address the harmful effects of our media driven culture,  help young people deal with the culture and pressure from their peers and provide guidelines for youth and families to remain true to their faith.

For more information about Teresa visit:  [ ]

This presentation is part of a Ministry of Education PRO grant received by:

Notre Dame, St. Christopher, Christ the King, St. Gabriel and Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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