Thursday, January 03, 2013

Gearing-up To Go Back!

As the holiday season winds down, and we begin to prepare mentally and physically to return to school on January 7, I would like to address the issue of appropriate winter gear.  Now that the cold and snow seem to be here for the long haul, it is very important that students dress for the weather.  That means a WINTER coat (hoodies are not enough), hat, gloves/mittens, snowpants, and WATERPROOF BOOTS.  There were a few instances before Christmas when students wore shoes, or "fashion" boots to school ("uggs" are not recommended), then had to deal with cold, wet socks and feet because they were not adequately dressed for the weather.  Students will not be allowed to stay indoors as a result of their poor outdoor gear choices.  Likewise, they will not be calling parents to request additional clothing items. Make sure to check the weather forecast the night before and plan accordingly.  A good philosophy is, "it is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it".
An additional friendly reminder:  students need to keep their indoor running shoes at school daily as they wear these indoor and leave their outdoor footwear in the hallway.

Helpful hint:  review the anchor charts on the anchor chart library page of this site related to area and surface area as we will be diving back into this measurement unit with the intent to complete it as soon as possible in the new year.

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