Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Jokes and Riddles Needed, Please!

If you have been visiting the "Joke of the Day!" page of our site lately, you will see that there has been a lack of jokes and riddles submitted by the students.  I am looking for more so that I can update that page daily.  Does anyone have any good New Years jokes?  What about pet riddles?  Please submit them as soon as you can!  Thank you in advance!
Today in math we began working on developing a formula for volume. We used centicubes, built rectangular prisms with a given volume and given dimensions.  We also compared this to the surface area work we have been doing.  Check out the new anchor chart on the anchor chart library page of this site.

Social studies presentations began today.  Two groups have presented so far.  It is important to note that we are working to extend our understanding of historical events rather than memorize facts and figures.  I challenge the students to think this way daily, and I get many puzzled looks.  We will continue to work on this very important skill.

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