Monday, January 07, 2013

Right Back At It!

Today we jumped right back into our work and the kids responded very well.  In math we reviewed all of the concepts relating to area of rectangles and surface area of a rectangular prism to ensure that they remembered the work we did before the holidays.  We used a variety of solids and the students worked in pairs to practice calculating surface area.  They have a handout to complete.
What teamwork!
Collaboration at its best!
What a thorough solution!

In Social Studies the students completed their group research assignment.  The class has been divided into six groups, and each researched one of the original six First Nations regions of Canada.  Tomorrow they will begin presenting to their classmates using the overhead they created.
Heavy thinkers!
Busy bees!
What focus!
Rough notes first - a great idea!
Working hard or hardly working???
It's great when everyone contributes to the group goals!

Today the students received an information letter about the V.I.P. program.  Please find the community service record sheet on the assignments page of this website.  Please download and print it, complete it, then return it to school.  It is due May 31.  Go out there and make someone smile!

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