Thursday, January 31, 2013

Gym with 6/7 K

Today we continued with basketball stations while having gym with Mr. Kennette's class.  Check it out!
"Dribble King"
"Dribble/Shuffle D"
"Free Throws"
"Lay Ups"
"Pass Station"

Tomorrow we will be walking to South Windsor Arena to enjoy yet another reward that we earned for selling cookie dough.  Please make sure you bring your lunch to school since we will be eating at 11am, be sure to bring gloves and a helmet, and ensure that you have an appropriate means to transport your skates to and from the arena.  There is no guarantee that the snack bar will be open.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Movement Sequences Presented!

Such variety of moves!
Today in gym, each group presented their movement sequence for evaluation.  Overall I am very impressed by the synergy within each group, and the final product.  This is a lead-in to our dance unit which is next!
such concentration
All smiles!
Different moves!
What cooperation!
On a roll!
Such vigour!
Today in literacy we read a text about allergies for shared reading.  While I expected it to take fifteen minutes or so (it was a short text with many visuals), we wound up having a VERY LENGTHY discussion.  The students seemed very interested in the subject and had many questions.  Ask them about it!  I encourage families to have such discussions at home, even at the dinner table, as the students need valuable background information.  Last week the students claimed that they did not know that male chickens were roosters and females were hens.  Similarly, they said that the concept of cow and bull was new for them also.  I also encourage them to read the newspaper for home reading - this will help them keep up with world events which will help to build their schema.  I feel that it is important to answer their questions, even when more class time is used than should be.

Good news!  The health presentation that has been postponed twice is now scheduled for Friday morning.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Congratulations are extended to the following students who were recognized at our Wow Assembly today for being Precision Problem Solvers in Mathematics:  Nathan, Thomas, and Edxio.

At that same assembly we welcomed Brady Vail, #97, of the Windsor Spitfires OHL team.  He spoke to the student body, answered questions, and presented our school with a plaque for participating in the Sptifire "Adopt - a - School" program sponsored by Armando's.
Brady Vail
Plaque presentation

In math today, we continued to work on comparing and ordering decimals to the thousandths.   We used number lines to count by tenths, hundredths, and thousandths, as well as visualize just how small these numbers are by their placement in sequence.  Each student has their own copy of the page below to assist them with their work.  We created it together during shared math.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Comparing and Ordering Decimals

In mathematics today we began learning how to compare and order decimals.  We did a few activities that allowed us to move around the room, and we discovered that this skill is very similar to determining alphabetical order in literacy.
Least to Greatest!
More Least to Greatest!
Still More Least to Greatest!
As promised, the Student-Led conference sheets went home today.  Please fill them in and return them by Thursday.  First come, first served.

Tomorrow at our WOW assembly, we will have a special visit from a Windsor Spitfire!  Therefore tomorrow is Spitfire jersey day and/or red, white, and blue day!

Constable Silver visited us today to lead a discussion about peer pressure.

Constable Silver, RCMP

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Student-Led Conferences Coming to a Classroom Near You!

If you are a regular visitor to our Classroom Calendar page of this site, you will see that the first term report cards will be going home on Monday February 4.  The evening of February 7 has been set aside as an opportunity for parents to have the opportunity to meet with their child's teacher to discuss progress.
This year, your child will be conducting a Student-Led Conference in the place of the traditional parent-teacher interview.  This method of reporting is prepared and led by each student.  They will present a portfolio of their work to their parents.  They will explain their strengths, weaknesses, and set goals as we move forward into the second term.  This is a way for them to take responsibility for their education.  It is expected that each student of mine bring at least one of their parents to the conference.  I will be in the room, and eager to speak with each family as well.  Each conference takes approximately twenty minutes and four are conducted in our classroom simultaneously.  I request that siblings NOT attend.  There will be chairs available in the hallway for them to sit on, if they happen to be at the school that evening.  If you are unable to attend on February 7, I will be happy to schedule a time with you and your child that is more convenient.
Mark your calendars!  The conference time request form will be sent home on Monday January 28.  

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Good News!

 Congratulations to the following students who won the Good News Ticket draw for this week:  Caroline, Liam, and Sophia.

Health presentation update:  Unfortunately the presentation had to be postponed yet again this week.  Our presenter wound up taking her son to the emergency room.  Hopefully we will be able to reschedule.  Thank you so much for your patience in this matter.

This week in math we have been working on the relationship between fractions and decimals, to the thousandths.  We have used Base 10 blocks to help us visualize the quantities.  We have also learned how to represent very small numbers in a variety of ways.  Be sure to check out the new anchor charts that were added to the Anchor Chart Library page of this site this week.
Think, Pair, Share!
Accountable Talk!
Collaboration and Concentration!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Can You Hear Me Now?

Since one of our learning goals for the current literacy unit has to do with being active, attentive listeners, we have been learning good strategies to help us in this area.  We have decided that we need to have eye contact with the speaker, be still and quiet, question the speaker to clarify information, restate information as a way to confirm information, and use jot notes as a memory aid.  Today we were evaluated on this skill.  In groups, each student read their animal feature article aloud to their group, and the group members were supposed to be active, attentive listeners.  They were listening for important information that they recorded on their graphic  organizers.  These will be evaluated and returned to the students next week.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gym Workstations!

Bullpen Workstation
Elevator Workstation
Pylon Practice
For the last couple of weeks, while having gym with Mr. Kennette's class, we have been continuing to work on our basketball skills.  This has been done using workstations.  
Mini Game Workstation
Check it out!
Pass and Shoot Workstation
Pass the Time Workstation

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Let's Get Movin'

In Sync!
Smiles All Around!
In the gym today, we continued to create our movement sequences in groups of four.  Next Wednesday each group will present their creation to the rest of the class for evaluation.  From what I have observed so far, I am very pleased with the effort, creativity, and group synergy that has been happening.  Keep up the great work!
What focus!
...the beginning of choreography?
Looks fun!
Everyone's input is welcome!
Careful planning!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Calling All Photographers!

I know that our class is very busy accumulating community service hours for the V.I.P. program.  I am requesting that each student submit to me at least one photograph of them in action.  This can be done in the way that suits you best.  Either take and print out your photo(s) or save the digital print(s) on your USB and bring it to school.  I will upload the images to my laptop and we will go from there.  Photos can start coming in as soon as you have the opportunity to take them.  Thank you very much in advance!

Today we worked in the Learning P.I.T for part of our literacy block.  It is a great space because it is so large, and many different activities can be going on at the same time.  In the photos below you will see that some students are seated at the tables working, others are busy on the computers, while still others are on the couches using the overhead machine.  Can you believe that some students even accessed our web site to consult the Anchor Chart Library page while they were working?  Very rewarding indeed!
For the last two days we have been reviewing fractions and decimals as we gear up to work on the newest unit in math.  The students have some review work to finish tonight if they did not finish in class.  Check out the new anchor charts that have been added to our collection if you need to use them as a reference. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Latest from Grade 6C

The math test that we had last week was returned today, now that everyone has written it.  Please sign and return it ASAP.  There are quite a few students who still need to return other math work that went home last week to be signed.  Let's wrap this up quickly please!

Today we began the students' latest book talk.  This time around the students are required to read a non-fiction text that is not a biography or an autobiography.  In addition to reporting on reading strategies, text form characteristics with evidence, and other regular features, the students will use their own overhead transparency to report on main ideas and supporting details in their text, while presenting.  Each student has already selected their date.  Everyone chose February dates, so they will all be completed by the end of next month.  I stressed with the students today how important their presentation skills are and the need to improve this skill.  Please remind your child that they are to use Audacity on our computers in the classroom or the Learning PIT to rehearse and polish their presentation.  Multiple opportunities always exist for this to happen.

Today I sent home a blue letter/permission form about the skating day that is planned.  There is no cost to the students because this is another reward that they earned for selling so much cookie dough.  They must return the permission form completed in order to go, however.  As in the past helmets and gloves/mittens are mandatory!  Come and join us if you can!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Announcing A Special Presentation for Parents and Students!

An Evening with Teresa Tomeo

Choices and Challenges Facing Today’s Youth

A presentation for parents and children age 10 and up

Monday February 4, 2013

Holy Names High School Auditorium


1400 Northwood St.

Windsor, ON

6:30 P.M.

Teresa Tomeo is a highly respected talk show host, motivational speaker, author and media consultant whose dynamic, engaging and inspirational presentation will  address the harmful effects of our media driven culture,  help young people deal with the culture and pressure from their peers and provide guidelines for youth and families to remain true to their faith.

For more information about Teresa visit:  [ ]

This presentation is part of a Ministry of Education PRO grant received by:

Notre Dame, St. Christopher, Christ the King, St. Gabriel and Our Lady of Mount Carmel