Thursday, November 01, 2012

Zumba Tomorrow

Who is that Moustache Man?
Tomorrow students from grade three to grade six inclusive, will have the opportunity to participate in Zumba with a qualified instructor.  Zumba is a combination of aerobic activity, stretches, and dance.  It is done to lively music.  I recommend that comfortable clothing be worn - definitely NO SKINNY JEANS for this activity.  Track pants and a t-shirt would be the items of choice.


We are just about finished out latest cycle of literacy workstations.  Check out the photos below.
Buddy Reading
Classroom Library

Punctuation and Grammar
Listening Workstation
Overhead Workstation
Science Workstation
Word Study Workstation

Writing Workstation      

The next evaluation for this latest unit will be on Tuesday November 6.  Please review the anchor charts from the Anchor Chart Library page and the information from the students' duo tang.  This can be practiced with their at-home reading.

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