Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Many Thanks!

Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Our class continues to display the true spirit of Christmas!  Just Tuesday alone we filled two more baskets of items for our Christmas giving campaign!

We are getting a great variety from items - even boxes of tea bags, hot chocolate mix, syrup, boxes of candy canes.... keep it coming!  I am sure we will put a smile on quite a few faces this Christmas!

Thank you to all of the families who donated a wide variety of art supplies that were requested in an earlier blog.  It is greatly appreciated.  If you have more to send, it will be accepted as we use up lots of supplies with such a large class.

Did you know that since our book talks for this month will wrap up this week, the students have now been assigned a Christmas Poetry Reading assignment?  This will work in a very similar manner to that of a book talk, except that they were allowed to choose a Christmas poem to read and respond to.  They will demonstrate their  understanding of various elements of poetry by using the reading strategies we have been working on, as well as other criteria.  Ask them about it!  All students will present their poem and work before the Christmas holidays.  They will receive a reading mark and an oral presentation mark as well.
                                                            feature photo

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