Tuesday, November 20, 2012

VIP began today!

Today we had the pleasure of meeting Constable Silver of the RCMP.  He introduced himself, explained the difference between the RCMP, OPP, and municipal police services (ie. Windsor Police).  He also explained his training and career history.  He also explained all of the parts of his tool belt, including a few demonstrations.  He concluded with a question and answer period.  Check our class calendar for the scheduled dates that he will return to work with us.

Mrs. D'Agnillo also visited us today and we prayed the rosary together.  The topic today was faith.  The students were reminded of the importance (and obligation) to attend weekly mass, reading the catechism, and going to confession.

One final note:  many of the students in our room are beginning to suffer from seasonal colds and flu.  As a result many boxes of tissue have been used in the last week or so.  We only have a few left from the original donations that were brought in in September.  If at all possible, I would gladly accept donations of boxes of tissues.  We are still in November and have many more months of this type of health issue ahead of us.  Thank you very much in advance.

CTV coverage of the Nicole Clark workshop  (scroll to the second story:  Mental Wellness Week)

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