Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The Latest News...

Our class is working diligently on their book talks.  Last week I modelled one for the class and gave them their outline and rubrics.  Students will read, prepare, and deliver their presentation completely at school because it is for evaluation.  The students were allowed to select their own date - any day during the month of November - and book.  They will demonstrate their understanding of many of the literacy topics that we have been working on so far this year, as well as continue to develop their oral presentation skills  (let's hope they don't say "like").  Therefore they will earn two marks:  one for reading and one for oral presentations.

Today we wrote our literacy evaluation.  Not all students were present, however, so I will let you know in the blog when they will be sent home for a parent signature.

Mr. Carter, an EA at our school, did a fantastic Remembrance Day presentation for our class today.  Little did I know that he is a veteran!  The students gained a new appreciation for the veterans' role in the various wars throughout history as well as the Canadian peace keeping role throughout the world, most recently.

We continued our work on constructing figures today with the use of a compass, protractor, and ruler.  Our class has a new appreciation for how important it is to know all of the figures and their attributes that are in their green duo tangs, and how precise they must be in their measurements and drawings.  It seems like everyone is getting the hang of it!  They have one question to try on their own at home this evening.

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