Sunday, November 25, 2012

Surreal Art: Collage

Friday we had an art lesson in collage.  The students were shown a slide show and we discovered the techniques and supplies needed to do a collage.  We realized that when doing collage, the image created is not perfect, and has elements of humour and uniqueness.  Today for practice, we began working on Santa head collages, but a major project which will be evaluated, is on the horizon!  In Literacy we also learned about the similar techniques of a First Nation's artist, George Littlegood.

On Friday we will have a Science evaluation on our Diversity of Living Things unit.  Students will be allowed to take home their duo tangs next week.  Please note that it is important that students can take the ideas and information presented in our work and extend them to real life situations, which is what we will practice in our Science class on Monday.

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