Wednesday, January 27, 2016

WOW and Blog Math

Image result for WOW logoCongratulations to this month's WOW award winners.  The theme this time around was being able to use feedback from the teacher to improve performance.  Ava, Kaci, and Steven L. have demonstrated that they use feedback and want to improve!  Keep up the great work!

Image result for proportional reasoningCongratulations to the 23 students who handed their blog math solution in on time.  Three students had to work at recess.
The correct solution, which was related to last week's question, requires that you divide the cost by the volume to figure out how much one mL of paint would cost.
First convery 1L to 1000mL by multiplying.   1L x 1000 = 1000mL
If you divide $15 by 1000, 1mL=$0.015
So 0.6L x 1000 = 600mL        600mL x $0.015 = $9
0.75L x 1000 = 750mL           750mL x $0.015 = $11.25
2.5L x 1000 = 2500mL          2500mL x $0.015 = $37.50
4.54L x 1000 = 4540mL        4540mL x $0.015 = $68.10

Here is the new question.  It is due on Tuesday February 2, 2016 at 8:10am.  Please copy the question on a lined piece of paper and place it in the IN BOX with your solution, using the steps of problem solving.
Image result for proportional reasoning questions

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