Monday, January 04, 2016

Welcome Back and Good News

                               Image result for welcome back
Welcome back to all of my students.  I trust that you had a fun, restful, and holy Christmas holiday.  I also hope that everyone is ready to work.
Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who were the last Good News ticket winners last year:  Kaci, Sabin, Alanna, and Cotton-Eyed Joe (alias Carlo).  Keep up the good work in the New Year!

Image result for maestro pizza windsor onHere are some pictures from our last day of school before the holidays:  pizza, pyjamas, and stuffed animals.  Many students said that they enjoyed the pizza, so here is the information in the event that you want to order pizza during the holidays.  Thanks to Alexei for providing the music, some students who brought sweet treats, and the many students who showered me with gifts.  Hopefully you found the thank you cards I sent home with your students.

Image result for nativity story

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