Thursday, January 28, 2016

Latest Areas of Study

Did you know that...
Image result for many gifts grade 6... before Christmas we began using our BRAND NEW social studies textbooks as we study immigration to Canada?
Image result for catholic church...we have completed learning about the parts of the Roman Catholic mass?  Students are allowed to study from their notes for a test.  Study by going to church too!
...we are working on fractions and decimals in math?  Truthfully, only for a fraction of the day.
...we are working on movement sequences in gym which is part of our dance curriculum?
...we are completing our non-fiction book talks this week?
...our new literacy unit focuses on biographies and autobiographies? Our next book talk will focus on this text form too!
Image result for CASI grade 6...we did out latest CASI this week?
..our sculptures are really "shaping up"?

Image result for student led conference invitation for parentsYou are cordially invited to the Student-Led Conference that will be hosted by your child! As I blogged about earlier this month, I am requesting to see every child and one or both parents so that you may see the work that your child has been doing in grade six.  This event will be held on Thursday February 11.  Information notes were sent home on Tuesday with the youngest in the family.  Please select a conference time via our school website, or click here for a quick link.  Sign up early so that you can secure the time of your choice.  If you require an alternate time, please let me know so that those arrangements can be made as soon as possible.

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