Sunday, January 03, 2016

Extra! Extra!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it.......

Image result for newspaper clipartAfter completing the grading of the latest round of assessments, I have realized that not all students check over their work as they are encouraged and REMINDED during each evaluation. In the past, when I became aware of missed questions - or in some cases entire pages - I allowed the students to complete the questions the following day.  NEW FOR 2016 - this will no longer happen!  While I wanted complete information to allow for a genuine assessment, I think this has promoted a lack of responsibility on the part of some of my students.  From now on, assessments will be graded based on they way they are handed in on test day.  This does also keep in line with the strict rules of EQAO.  When we do that assessment in the spring, not only am I not allowed to coach them to complete their work, but I am not allowed to even look at their work before, during, or after they have completed it.  Please join me in encouraging your children to complete all test questions before submitting the test.  Thank you in advance!

Image result for booksIn Monday's area in your agenda (Jan 4) please list the books that you have read during the holidays or are currently reading.  Have your agenda opened on your desk tomorrow morning!  Thank you!

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