Tuesday, January 05, 2016

As Term One Comes to a Close...

Image result for report cardNow that we are back in the swing of things, we need to look ahead to some very important events that will be happening in a month or so.  First of all, your child's term one report card will be going home on Monday February 8, 2016.  This report will inform families about the progress of each student's Learning Skills as well as an overall letter grade for each subject area.

Image result for student-led conferencesOn Thursday February 11, 2016 we will be holding Student-Led Conferences here at school.  At this conference, your child will present a portfolio of their work, that you have not yet seen, to you.  They will also demonstrate their metacognitive skills and set goals for term two with you.  I WILL BE REQUESTING TO SEE ALL FAMILIES AT THAT TIME.  Please make every effort to make arrangements to attend the conference.  Each conference will last for approximately 20 minutes and will be scheduled between 4 and 7 PM.  If for any reason you are unable to attend, due to work schedules for example, please let me know in advance by writing a note in your child's agenda, and an alternate time will be scheduled for you.

Image result for parent signatureYesterday each student brought home four summative tasks that require a parent's signature:  Religion, math test, literacy evaluation, and poetry reading rubric.  Some students still have to return the unit 5 SWYK from last year (LOL) signed and put in their black duo tang as well.  Please return these items at your earliest convenience.

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