Wednesday, January 13, 2016

"Blog Math" , Art, and SNOW!

Image result for panty hose
Image result for wire coat hangerWe have completed our charcoal and chalk sketches and we are ready to go on to the next project in art.  For this, each student needs one wire coat hanger and one pair of neutral-coloured panty hose (you actually only need one leg, so this can be shared with a sibling or a friend).  Please do not send black panty hose, and if you need to purchase a pair, get the cheapest you can find - likely at Dollarama.  Also, plastic or wood hangers will not work for this project.  Please label each item with your name and have them at school by Monday January 18, 2016.  Thank you very much in advance.

We are back in the swing of things with our blog math.  Four students did not complete it on time and used a recess to do so yesterday.  The correct answer to last week's problem is that you need 8 cups of grape juice for 12 cups of apple juice for the fruit punch.

Image result for proportional reasoning Here is our latest "blog math" question.  Each of the jars of salsa shown here is available at the supermarket.  Which one is the best buy?  Use the steps of problem solving to make your thinking visible.  Please hand this in on its own sheet of paper, with the question copied down, and hand it in on or before Tuesday January 19 at 8:10 AM.

Image result for snow fun clip artImage result for snow fun clip artSince the snow is finally here, we can "cash in" on another one of our incentives that we earned in the fall when we sold greeting cards.  Our class chose to go to Curry Park and play in the snow.  The weather looks good enough to do this on THURSDAY JANUARY 14.   As a class we will walk to the park and play!  If you have any paraphernalia that assists with the building of snowmen, forts, etc. feel free to bring it.  ALL STUDENTS MUST WEAR BOOTS and have all other appropriate gear including a hat, glove/mittens, etc.  Spare clothing might be a good idea too!  Snow pants are highly recommended because students will be uncomfortable wearing wet gear after our fun.  Look for photos of the event next week!

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